Crysis ransomware can encrypt your healthcare files and pull them from your network.
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Healthcare data breaches continue to escalate and ransomware continues to grow in its sophistication.
Crysis was first discovered in February 2016. Crysis attacks both Mac and Windows and is a source of distress and alarm to experts.
Crysis is most prevalent current attacker. Healthcare data continues to be a valuable entity on the black market which drives breaches and cyber attacks.
What is so scary about Crysis?
Crysis is able to cause harm gradually and without detection.
It is made up of advanced coding which can take administrative control, then can encrypt files and usernames. Crysis then copies files and takes them from the network.
Hospitals are a weak target. Experts are hoping that this new ransomware will act as a wake-up call and push hospitals and physician offices to perform more thorough risk assessments to better prepare for these attacks and the aftermath.
We help our clients make sure their risk assessments are up to date and effective.
What is the best way to prepare for a ransomware attack?
Backup your data. Backups need to be both offsite and offline and up to date.
Make sure your risk assessment is in place and your employees are trained.
In our next blog post, we will keep you informed of related issues. To get this important information delivered directly to your mail box, Click here to Subscribe
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P.S. If you or your patients are interested in consumer healthcare issues, check out