If you are a healthcare practitioner who provides care for the elderly or handicapped, you know how difficult it can be getting patients in for an appointment. When you have patients who don’t drive, or when mother nature gets in the way, it’s common for people to miss their appointment, or fall behind on care because they simply can’t get to you.
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What if you could put all of those worries to the side? And help get patients the care they need?
A new app in beta testing by Uber, called Uber Health, allows healthcare professionals to do just that. This app also has a text message feature, for non-tech savvy seniors, to help get them to and from hospitals and doctors offices. Follow up appointments can be scheduled with Uber Health while patients are still at the healthcare facility, ensuring that everyone gets the care they are in need of, regardless of if they have a ride. Many companies are hoping on board with this new technology including MedStar and New York based cancer treatment centers.
It can be difficult for patients to be compliant with the treatment plans suggested by doctors if they can’t drive or don’t have a license but that’s where Uber Health comes in.
What do you think? Would this be useful in your office? Do you think it would allow for improved patient compliance?
In our next blog post, we will keep you informed of related issues. To get this important information delivered directly to your mail box, click here to Subscribe.
Do you need help staying current and compliant with the latest laws, rules and regulations? We can help. To contact us about your new government rules and regulations, your practice’s risk assessment, or about your other legal needs: CLICK HERE.
P.S. If you or your patients are interested in consumer healthcare issues, check out myhealthspin.com.