Life is hectic, we know, so here’s a recap of the Healthcare Weekly Hot Topics you can’t afford to miss:
1) Meaningful Measures specifics emerge: CMS program will track 18 areas. Healthcare IT News, November 28, 2017.
CMS released core measures that aim to focus on high-quality healthcare and meaningful outcomes for patients.
2) Drug Charity May Shutter After U.S. Faults Pharma Influence. Bloomberg, November 29, 2017.
A medical charity lost its stamp of approval from the government, after it allowed donors improper influence over how the nonprofit was run.
3) Third case of Legionnaires reported at Quincy veterans home. AP, November 29, 2017.
A third person contracted Legionnaires’ at a home where two other cases where identified last month.
4) FDA issues guidance that could make it easier for EpiPen rivals to come to market. CNBC, November 28, 2017.
The FDA announced guidance seeking to streamline a path to market for generic copies of complex medicines.
5) Health-Care Clashes Loom Over Republican Legislative Agenda. The Wall Street Journal, November 29, 2017.
Congress must decide whether or not to insert several health measures into year-end bills.
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