Are you using unencrypted e-mail to communicate with patients? Since the HITECH Act went into effect in the fall of 2013, the rules about e-mail have changed. Healthcare providers must use reasonable precautions to use e-mail to communicate with patients.
“The Privacy Rule allows covered health care providers to communicate electronically, such as through e-mail, with their patients, provided they apply reasonable safeguards when doing so. See 45 C.F.R. § 164.530(c).
Certain precautions may need to be taken when using e-mail to avoid unintentional disclosures, such as:
- checking the e-mail address for accuracy before sending, or
- sending an e-mail alert to the patient for address confirmation prior to sending the message; or
- limiting the amount or type of information disclosed in unencrypted email.
Patients may initiate communications with a provider using e-mail. If this situation occurs, the health care provider can assume (unless the patient has explicitly stated otherwise) that e-mail communications are acceptable to the individual. If the provider feels the patient may not be aware of the possible risks of using unencrypted e-mail, or has concerns about potential liability, the provider can alert the patient of those risks, and let the patient decide whether to continue e-mail communications.”
FAQs Federal Health Information Privacy
Your office should have an e-mail policy for patients. Consider whether it would be helpful for your office to send patients appointment reminders and health forms via e-mail? You should also offer patient’s the option of opting out of e-mail communication. You should always notify the patient of the risks of sharing protected health information over the internet.
Many patients will appreciate your willingness to use e-mail. E-mail allows your office to quickly get the information to the patient without delay or having to pay for postage. If you plan on using e-mail, your front desk should always check with the patient to determine what their current e-mail address is and whether it has changed.
The patient has the right to request that only certain information be communicated via e-mail. You must have a procedure that informs the healthcare provider what information the patient does not want to be communicated via e-mail.
Your office also might consider an encrypted e-mail system such as secure messaging. Many hospital systems and large providers are using encrypted e-mail. By encrypting the e-mail, you will be certain that the information gets to the correct person and it is not tampered with over the internet.
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