Seniors Confused About Medicare And ObamaCare


With healthcare changing daily, seniors are confused.  What is the Affordable Care Act?  How does it differ from Medicare?  This is especially true as the enrollment periods overlap.  Seniors are finding it hard to differentiate and make decisions.

“About 17% of seniors incorrectly believe the Affordable Care Act replaces their Medicare with insurance policies purchased on line through the state and federal health insurance exchanges, according to a study released exclusively to USA TODAY….

Some of that confusion is intentional. Advertising has picked up from opponents to the law who would like to see it defunded. Some of it, Rabbitt said, comes because seniors said they don’t trust any one source for information, and some sources give different answers.

The confusion is causing seniors to make unnecessary decisions about spending, she said. Some are even going back to work.

“The fear of the unknown causes them to look at their budget,” she said. “They’re refilling prescriptions later, or skipping doses to make them last longer. That can lead to higher medical costs.”

The survey found about a third of seniors think the eligibility age goes up to 68 in January because of the law — also incorrect”

USA TODAY. September 17, 2013

We need to make it clear to seniors that Medicare isn’t changing.  Their enrollment period starts October 15 and they enroll the same way they have for the past 7-8 years.  Enrollment for Medicare ends December 7.  Medicare enrollment has nothing to do with all the discussion of the Accountable Care Act and ObamaCare.

Doctor’s offices should be educating its patients to make sure they don’t mistakenly change their coverage or stop taking medications for fear of lack of coverage.  Education is key.  Your senior patients and their families will appreciate your help.

Share your ideas on how to educate your senior patients?  We’d love to hear from you.

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