You are not the only one.
WannaCry is the ransomware software that has locked computers in more than 150 countries.
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Healthcare organizations and practices all over the globe are worried about the impact of WannaCry.
Medical devices are difficult to secure and protect and are easily hacked.
WannaCry hackers and other hackers can easily pinpoint medical devices using a search engine called Shodan.
So far, victims of WannaCry hacks have been few in the U.S., compared to those in Europe and Asia.
What can you do to protect your practice against the potential threat of WannaCry ransomware?
Luckily, a security expert has been able to stop the worm from spreading using a kill switch.
To protect your practice:
- Back up your computer;
- Store your backup in the cloud or in a drive not connected to your computers;
- Make sure your antivirus is up to date and effective;
- Keep your software up to date;
- Train your staff to know not to open any attachments in emails from anyone they do not know; and
- Avoid files that end in .exe, .vbs, and .scr.
If you do find a problem, immediately disconnect from the internet and other network connections.
Make sure to train your staff on what to do in the event of a breach. To protect your practice further, make sure your HIPAA risk assessment is up to date and your inventory of devices is complete.
In our next blog post, we will keep you informed of related issues. To get this important information delivered directly to your mail box, click here to Subscribe.
Do you need help staying current and compliant with the latest laws, rules and regulations? We can help. To contact us about your new government rules and regulations, your practice’s risk assessment, or about your other legal needs: CLICK HERE.
P.S. If you or your patients are interested in consumer healthcare issues, check out