Michigan is heavily scrutinizing doctors, pharmacies and drug manufacturers for their role in the opioid epidemic.
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A recent suit was filed by Wayne and Oakland Counties suing drugmakers alleging deceptive marketing ad sale of opioids.
The opioid crisis has led to a large number of deaths in the United States. In 2016, 817 people in Wayne County died from opioid-related deaths and 267 people died in 2016 in Oakland County due to opioid-related deaths.
The counties have teamed up to take on the drug manufacturers with a joint suit against 12 pharmaceutical companies.
The lawsuit states that the drug companies violated the Consumer Protection Act, public nuisance, negligence, unjust enrichment, and violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act.
Michigan has made an effort to combat opioid abuse as a whole. Governor Rick Snyder established a Council on Opioid and Prescription Drug Enforcement earlier this year.
What does this mean for your practice?
It means that any physician who prescribes opioids will likely have higher scrutiny from the State.
The lawsuit alleges that drug companies attempted to shift the way in which physicians and patients think about pain and encourage the widespread prescription of opioids.
Wayne and Oakland County are alleging that they have great financial consequences as well, as a result of the drug manufacturers. They have seen increased costs for law enforcement, jails, medical care, and substance abuse plans.
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