Medicaid fraud is a big problem and is happening locally.
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The owner of Harper Dermatology in Roseville, Michigan, Dr. Usha Sood, has been charged with Medicaid fraud.
Dr. Sood has been accused of billing Medicaid for services that were not performed.
Dr. Sood was investigated after a tip was made to the Health Care Fraud Hotline.
Dr. Sood is currently being held on a personal $250,000 bond and had to surrender her passport.
Former employees quit their jobs due to Dr. Sood’s billing practices.
How can you make sure your practice doesn’t commit fraud?
Make sure physicians and staff are trained regularly on billing. Your practice should also be doing regular audits.
Ensure that your compliance plan is up to date and utilized. Update your compliance logs as required.
We help our clients ensure that their compliance policies and procedures are current and that their staff is adequately trained on compliance issues.
It is important that your practice have an open dialogue and a way to anonymously report concerns to the practice. If there is an issue with billing, the staff should feel comfortable reporting any potential problem.
Make sure that physicians and billing personnel are aware of the consequences of upcoding and billing for services not rendered.
In our next blog post, we will keep you informed of related issues. To get this important information delivered directly to your mail box, Click here to Subscribe
Do you need help staying current and compliant with the latest laws, rules and regulations? We can help. To contact us about your new government rules and regulations, your practice’s risk assessment, or about your other legal needs: CLICK HERE.
P.S. If you or your patients are interested in consumer healthcare issues, check out