As a concept, patient engagement is promising. In reality, there is a industry-wide struggle to encourage patients to interact with caregivers and physicians.
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Given the potential benefits of patient engagement, how can your practice effectively increase it?
Here are some tips:
- Make sure patients have access to the same information as you and your staff. Often patients don’t get the full picture, or much information regarding their care at all. This is a visit based approach that severely limits patient engagement potential.
- Make it easy for your patients, without harassing them. Don’t force your patients to adopt your patient engagement methods, rather show them how much easier it makes their lives, then let them choose.
- Know that the critical factors for patients are motivation and emotion. It doesn’t matter how much time your patients spend on their phones or apps, what matters is how they feel.
- Let patients tell you what they really need from patient engagement, don’t let design dictate. Talk to your patients to find out what is important to them.
- Finally, show your patients that it is a hard science. Now patients don’t believe that patient engagement is anything more than a soft science. Show them that it is reliable and here to stay.
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P.S. If you or your patients are interested in consumer healthcare issues, check out