While it is a difficult task, there are steps you can take to protect your practice against healthcare’s biggest security weakness. But first, you need to know that the biggest weakness is people.
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Unfortunately, the biggest weakness is the human element in regards to some of the largest health data breaches.
No matter how much training you provide your employees, there will always be someone who will click on the suspicious link.
The three biggest causes of breaches were:
- Stolen credentials,
- Privilege misuse, and
- Miscellaneous errors.
So how do you protect your practice?
Keep training your employees regarding healthcare data security. Create a culture of awareness, so that employees will ask before clicking on links or doing anything to compromise security.
But the largest protection against breaches from phishing attacks is encryption.
We help our clients train their staff and make sure that their data is encrypted.
Also, make sure that employees use an individual login password to access all machines every time they go to use any computer or device.
Criminals can do a significant amount of damage with healthcare data, which is more profitable than credit card information.
Many breaches are caused by stolen assets, such as laptops or thumb drives that are not encrypted and easy to access.
Other breaches are caused by privilege misuse. Hackers use a variety of techniques to steal healthcare information.
Hackers have been so bold as to impersonate executives to obtain data.
As hackers continue to become bolder in their attempts to get healthcare information, it is essential that you put multiple layers of protection in place at your practice.
In our next blog post, we will keep you informed of related issues. To get this important information delivered directly to your mail box, Click here to Subscribe
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P.S. If you or your patients are interested in consumer healthcare issues, check out myhealthspin.com.