Many people believe that ObamaCare is the cause of their insurance policy being cancelled. A new study suggests that is not the case.
While millions of insurance plans were cancelled, a new study says the policies would have been cancelled anyway.
According to a study by a Harvard professor in Health Affairs, many of these policies were purchased from a non-stable market including non-group or individual policies. Between 2008 -2011, before ObamaCare took effect, most of these plans lasted less than a year. Thus, the normal turnover rate for these policies was about 80%.
The study did find that the group most likely to have been effected by ObamaCare in the individual plan market was white, self- employed Americans between the ages of 36-64. This group of individuals were likely to keep their health plans for 3 years or more.
If your health insurance policy was cancelled, here are some suggestions:
1) Consider whether you can obtain health insurance from an employer;
2) Can you sign up for health insurance through the health exchange? Open enrollment begins again on November 15, 2014 – February 15, 2015.
3) Check your state to see if you qualify for Medicaid. Many states have expanded their Medicaid eligibility.
While many continue to disagree about whether ObamaCare is good or bad, we can all agree that healthcare is very important for all of us. We need to continue to look for common ground to find ways to work together to make healthcare better for everyone.
If your organization needs assistance with healthcare issues – we can help. For assistance CLICK HERE.
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