ObamaCare: Love it or Hate it?

Most people feel very strongly about ObamaCare:  they either love it or hate it.  Which are you?

Since the March 31 sign-up date has passed, many studies are being done to determine what is the good, the bad and the ugly about ObamaCare.

The Good:  It is clear that uninsured older adults are much more likely to want to have health insurance coverage than uninsured younger adults.  Older adults recognize the need for care if they get cancer or have a heart attack.

Additionally, people with pre-existing conditions favor the law as they can now get health insurance if they change jobs or insurance plans. Also, people who want to keep their children on their health insurance policies like the law as they can insure their children until they are 26 years old.

The Bad:  Younger adults tend to believe they will stay healthy.  If the penalty for not having health insurance is less than the cost of the monthly premium, they tend to opt for the penalty.  Young people are asking what do they get for their money.  If they don’t need care, why are they paying the monthly premium?  Of course, it is important to remember that the penalty increases overtime so the decision of whether to get health insurance or pay the penalty will get harder.

The Ugly:  Some Americans’ insurance premiums have risen and some have lost their doctors.  There are many reasons for this.  In some cases, the previous policies did not cover many healthcare services.  Because the new plans must cover a minimum amount of services, the cost has risen.  Additionally, insurance plans are eliminating some doctors from their networks as the doctor may not deliver care in a cost effective manner.

Of course, the strongest divide is along political lines.  About 1/2 the country is Republican and 1/2 is Democrat.  Therefore, Republicans are against the law for the most part and Democrats are for it.

Healthcare and its costs affect us all, therefore, we need to meet on some common ground.  

Most people are beginning to accept that ObamaCare isn’t going away any time soon.   We all agree that changes must be made to make the law work for everyone.

Stay Tuned:  Many more updates to come.

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*Credit Image — Ohio Progress/Flickr

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