Even though open enrollment for ObamaCare ended yesterday, March 31, help continues to be available. The Affordable Care Act (“ObamaCare”) provides for navigators who can assist with questions about enrollment, coverage and other insurance questions.
Navigators continue to work for the state and federal government. At any time, a person who qualifies for Medicaid can use a navigator to enroll. You may be eligible for Medicaid if you are between the ages of 19 and 64 and make less than $15,860 and are a US Citizen or have been a legal immigrant for more than 5 years.
Additionally, if a person has a qualifying event such as a birth of a child, a marriage, a loss of a job, they are eligible to sign up for coverage. These are called “qualifying events” and allow you to enroll outside of the normal enrollment period.
In addition to qualifying events, navigators are still working with the many people who have never had health coverage before and are unfamiliar with how it works. Navigators will explain what services have co-pays and deductibles and how to find a doctor in your area. Navigators are also clearing up much of the misinformation that surrounds ObamaCare.
Refer your patients to an ObamaCare Navigator when they have:
1. Qualifying Event: such as a marriage, birth of a child or change in job.
2. Insurance Questions: such as what is their co-pay for a service, where can they find a doctor?
3. Confusion about services: such as they haven’t received their insurance card, or Medicaid does not recognize their coverage.
ObamaCare questions are rarely simple, but the answer is available if you know who to call. For information about a navigators in your area, start at www.healthcare.gov
If your organization needs assistance with healthcare issues – we can help. For assistance CLICK HERE.
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Credit: Image — Paul Downey/Flickr.