Do your patients know which ObamaCare plans you participate in? If not, why not?
Patients who are eligible for ObamaCare have until March 31st to enroll in a health plan. Although the healthexchanges have been open since October, millions of people have enrolled in ObamaCare this month.
When a patient is reviewing the various ObamaCare plans offered, the patient is often focused on comparing prices, co-pays and deductible costs. It is actually often difficult on the healthexchange websites to determine which doctors and hospitals take which plans. If the patient signs up for a plan and later finds out that you do not participate in that plan, you have lost a patient and their family to another provider.
A family in Oklahoma City found this out the hard way. They happily signed up for what they thought was affordable insurance but never checked with their doctors to determine if they accepted the plan they were choosing. The family could have paid slightly more to get a provider in their area that they knew. Article.
Healthcare providers who are actively informing their patients about their services are going to be ahead of others that do not.
Make sure your staff is informing your patients which plan will allow them to continue to come to your office.
Tell your patients:
1. What plans you participate in.
2. What plans you do not participate in.
3. What hospitals you cover and whether the plan covers the patient when they are admitted to that hospital.
Communication is key.
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