Many providers are worried about the pending meaningful use regulations.
Both healthcare providers and electronic health record vendors are anxiously awaiting the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) release of the final meaningful use regulation changes for 2015 to 2016.
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CMS said to expect the release of the final rules before Labor Day. This late timeline has many providers worried.
What’s the big deal?
The deadline is getting dangerously close.
In the proposed rule for 2015 – 2016, hospitals and eligible providers would be able to attest to only 90 consecutive days of meaningful use. But that proposal has not yet been finalized.
If under the final rule the 90 day period is in fact available, the latest day for providers to start recording meaningful use data is October 1.
Until the rule is released by CMS though, electronic health records (EHR) vendors cannot make the necessary updates to their systems.
The EHR upgrades will be important to start the next phase of meaningful use.
Time is running out.
Many healthcare providers have spoken out with suggestions to aid in a quicker release of the final rule.
Some have suggested that CMS only release the 2015 portion of the rule, so that it can be released by August.
Other providers, and even the American Medical Association, have voiced their complaints about meaningful use and EHRs.
We help our clients attest, and find ways to quickly comply with new regulations.
Will your practice be ready when CMS releases the final rule?
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