Stage 2 meaningful use – is it worth it?

According to a new survey, 55% of eligible doctors say NO.

(Article here.)

The attestation deadline for Medicare eligible professionals is  February 28, 2015. Do you need help attesting, or determining whether you should attest to Stage 1 or Stage 2 meaningful use?

We can help you stay ahead of important government healthcare deadlines, and on top of other related matters.  (To subscribe to our blog )

Why don’t the doctors want to attest for meaningful use Stage 2 in 2015?

Different doctors have different reasons. Here are some of the main ones:

  1. Some doctors don’t like that it requires patients to have emails and engage doctors’ EHRs. This especially problematic for doctors who deal with elderly patients.
  2. Other doctors have complained about the interface for their portals, and
  3. Usability of the software is yet another of the numerous concerns.

There remain additional problems for doctors that do want to attest to Stage 2 with some physicians claiming that it’s just nearly impossible.

But the bottom line is that doctors don’t feel that Stage 2 meaningful use attestation improves patient care.

The numbers…

994 doctors said they were opting not to attest to Stage 2, while 822 doctors plan on attesting.

Overall, only 3,655 eligible professionals have received payments for Stage 2 attestation as of early December, whereas 268,686 eligible providers have received payments for Stage 1 attestation.

We help our clients decide if it’s feasible for them to attest to Stage 2 meaningful use. It’s important to have a plan in place.

Some doctors have opted to attest to Stage 1 again, as opposed to attesting to Stage 2 in 2015.

In our next blog post, we will keep you informed of related issues.  To get this important information delivered directly to your mail box, 

Do you need help with your Stage 1 or Stage 2 meaningful use attestation?  We can help. To contact us about your Stage 1 or Stage 2 meaningful use attestation, or your other legal needs:  CLICK HERE.

P.S. If you or your patients are interested in consumer healthcare issues, check out

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