2017 is the year to protect your practice from outside breaches and inside errors.
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2016 was full of healthcare breaches, employee errors, and hacking attempts.
We help our clients prepare and put measures in place to avoid potential risks, because breaches can hit any practice at any time.
How can you protect your practice?
Prioritize your risk assessment.Know what needs to be protected and where your practice is most at risk. Find and fix your vulnerabilities. Work with legal counsel to tailor your policies and procedures for your practice.
Prepare and practice your contingency plan, for email, high-tech areas and departments that use your network.
Hire or contract good IT personnel. Make sure to have a security expert test your systems and put security measures in place. Also, use forensic consultants to provide additional insight on your practice’s vulnerabilities and potential liabilities.
Train, train, train, and train again. Your employees need to be well trained on potential threats and how to act in the face of a breach. We help our clients make sure employees are thoroughly trained and prepared.
Increase layers of defense. Make sure that you have multiple cyber defenses in place to protect your practice.
Finally, be aware and alert. Know that breaches are likely to occur and that healthcare entities are often primary targets.
In our next blog post, we will keep you informed of related issues. To get this important information delivered directly to your mail box, Click here to Subscribe
Do you need help staying current and compliant with the latest laws, rules and regulations? We can help. To contact us about your new government rules and regulations, your practice’s risk assessment, or about your other legal needs: CLICK HERE.
P.S. If you or your patients are interested in consumer healthcare issues, check out myhealthspin.com.